
Raster and Curve Characters

TYPO is a tool kit for (typo)graphic artists and technical writers to create and maintain sets of characters, logos, or icons (icons are images typically displayed on a screen and representing some computer program or file). These symbol sets, called fonts, can then be shown on laser printers, photo typesetters, or graphic displays.

Raster Characters

TYPO supports two kinds of symbols: raster symbols or curve symbols. These two kinds are totally different in nature. A raster symbol may be thought of as a collection of squares in a grid (or points in a rectangular matrix); each square is either black or white, as illustrated here:

A raster character
A raster character

The symbol size is usually fixed by the device it is used on; each square in the symbol determines the color of a basic dot (called pixel) on the device.

Curve Characters

Curve characters, on the other hand, are described mathematically. The outline of the character is described by a sequence of straight lines, circular arcs, or Bézier curves (named after the scientist who introduced these curves into computer-aided design, Pierre Bézier). For some characters, such as the letter o, the curve sequence consists of two contours; one describes the exterior boundary of the character, and the other describes the interior one. In each of these two parts, the last curve is closed up to the first curve. The two parts are connected by an invisible line, called a movement. The curve description of the letter o is shown here:

A curve character
A curve character

Bézier curves run from their start point to their end point. In addition, they have two auxiliary control points. These control points determine the slope of the curve at the curve start and end points, as well as the curvature. For a Bézier curve, see this figure:

A Bézier curve
A Bezier Curve

We can see that the slope of the curve at the start point is the same as the slope of the straight line connecting the start point to the first control point. This is also true for the end point, using the second control point. We call those (imaginary) lines which connect the end points to their respective neighboring control points tangents, as they touch the curve at their end points.

The control points also determine the curvature, by pulling the curve towards them. For instance, stretching the first control point above further up, we obtain the curve in the following figure. As can be seen, the left part of the curve is pulled further upward.

The modified Bézier curve
The modified Bezier curve

Bézier curves have thus the advantage of easy and intuitive handling by moving one of their end or control points; rotating a control point around its end point changes the angle of the curve at that end point, pulling a control point away from its end point will "stretch"; the curve towards that direction.

Curve Tangents

We have described tangents for a Bézier curve to be the (imaginary) lines connecting the curve end points with their respective neighboring control points. Their slopes are thus identical to those of the curve at the corresponding end points. Tangents of circular arcs are defined in the same way. Analogously, the tangent of a line or movement is that line or movement itself.

Curve characters, being described mathematically by their Bézier curves, lines, arcs, and movements, have many advantages over raster characters. They can be blown up or reduced (scaled) to any size, they can be rotated by any angle, they can easily be slanted, they can be stored compactly (only the curve points and some additional minor information have to be stored), and many more.

The two symbol kinds described above are completely different in nature. TYPO handles both kinds, and can automatically convert curve into raster symbols and raster symbols into curve symbols. Raster to outline conversion involves approximating a discrete pixel image by mathematical curves. This process can, by its nature, not be absolutely precise and will frequently require manual corrections.

TYPO supports these corrections in several ways. On one hand, it allows placing the raster character behind the curve character on the same screen, so that the user can easily make the desired corrections based on the original shape. On the other hand, TYPO has a variety of Adjust commands that precisely position curves and lines with respect to other curves or lines. For example, lines can be made parallel to others, and corners can be smoothed.

Frame Layout

The frame layout is shown in the following figure, and the meanings of the individual windows are shown in thereafter.

A TYPO frame
A TYPO frame

The TYPO frame layout
Command Menu Bar
Control Panel Character properties Mouse button and arrow description
Background Char properties
Character window Typeset properties

Typeset window

The Command Menu Bar

The TYPO window is begun, from top, with a bar that contains all the command menus of TYPO. The commands are grouped by their function; File, Edit, Character, Transform, Adjust, Metrics, Special, Typeset, Sub-Character, Pen, Window.

They will be described later in detail. An example is the command File->Exit, i.e., the Exit command in the File command menu. Some commands are grouped in submenus inside a menu, such as the command File->Font Edit->Properties inside the File->Font Edit menu, which is, in turn, inside the File command menu. A command is executed by choosing it from its menu; pressing the right mouse button over the menu header, choosing the appropriate command with the mouse, and releasing the right mouse button.

The Control Panel

The control panel contains, from top to bottom, left to right:

The Character Window

The character window may contain up to two characters, one in the foreground and one in the background. With a few exceptions, the commands and tools of TYPO will typically operate on one of these characters. By default, that character will be the foreground character. This may, however, be changed with the Foreground/Background menu. There, the user can specify whether the foreground or the background character is to be operated on. For simplicity, we refer to that character that will be operated on as the current character. More on background characters appears in the Background Characters section.

This is shown in the figure below. Black squares belong only to the current character, brown squares belong only to the background character, and pink squares belong to both.

These colors can be changed with the Window->Colors command.

In fact, the user may perform certain operations on the current character guide lines instead of the character itself. This can also be specified in the Foreground/Background Menu, and is described in the section on guide lines.

A raster character with a background character
 A raster character with a background character

The Character Properties Windows

The character properties and background character properties windows show various important data about these characters, and are described in the section on Character Commands.

The Typeset Window

The Typeset Window is used to display the current character in the context of any text, even taken from another font. The main purpose of this screen is to judge the overall appearance of the character, to adjust its placement, its width, etc.

The Typeset Properties Window

The Typeset properties window will display a list of relevant values for the typeset screen. An example of such a list is shown below:
An example typeset properties window
Char  'A'     NewW=35   Pts=10   Vis=15   CZX=0.001  RZX=2
Font  OurRomanFont      Pts=15   Vis=18   CZY=0.001  RZY=2
This example typeset properties window contains the following items:

The Mouse Button and Arrow Description Window

The mouse button and arrow description window displays, for each function and context, the presently applicable mouse buttons, together with the functions that they will perform. It is also shown which of the eight arrows (keys R7 through R15) are applicable at any time, and what function they will perform.

The Messages and Errors Window

The messages and errors window guides the user through the operations with explanatory messages, and it displays the error messages.

The Input Pop-Up and Tracking Information Window

The input pop-up and tracking information window sets values and options for commands and displays relevant command information. For many commands, it will display coordinate values and other tracking information. For commands requiring the setting of options, menus with the appropriate choices will be displayed. For commands requiring textual or numeric input, such input may be typed using the keyboard.

After changing any of those options or values, the user must typically press the Apply button to make these settings effective.

Some commands are governed by a single value to be set, such as a rotation angle or a scale factor. There, the window contains a slider on which the user determines the input value. Setting the value on the slider will automatically make the changes effective and there is no Apply button in the presence of a slider.

The particular use of this window is described separately for the various commands.

This window contains two additional buttons; OK will finalize the command, keeping the changes, Cancel will abort the command, discarding the changes introduced by this command.